Impact of GST on Healthcare Sector

In India many types of tax systems were prevailing in the past, and during British period, there were significant changes in the taxation system. There after many changes took place time to time. To make the Indian Tax system more uniform, Goods and Services Tax has been introduced in India form 1 st July 2017. What is Goods and Services Tax (GST) GST is hailed as the biggest tax reform since independence. Parties on both sides of the political divide say it is a good initiative but may disagree on preparedness to implement and the rates on various goods. It will include all taxes at various stages of value addition inproduction process of goods and servicesi.e. buying raw material, manufacturing of components and final product, warehousing, and transportation and final sale to customer. These taxes were levied by multiple authorities such as local (municipalities), state and central governments. The final customer will pay GST while purchasing from the last deale...