
Showing posts from February, 2018

Electronic Health Record: Maximizing Utilization

Digital health electronically connects the points of care so that health information can be shared securely to help deliver safer, better quality healthcare. The broad scope of Digital Health includes categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine. Digital health is about electronically connecting the points of care so that health information can be shared securely. This is the first step to understanding how digital health can help deliver safer, better quality healthcare. A cornerstone of digital health is EHR or Electronic Health record that is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. While an EHR does contain the medical and treatment histories of patients, an EHR system is built to go beyond standard clinical data collected in a provider’s office an...

Moral Choices for Today's Doctors

Over a period there is a tremendous change in societal norms and values towards the medical professionals. There was a time when doctors were considered next to God and patients blindly followed their advice. Rapid advances in industrialization, technology, knowledge, use of internet, artificial intelligence and easy availability of information/ mis information about the medical facts and the varied methods of medical treatment have also brought about a crisis of confidence amongst the enlightened public and the sophisticated doctors. Thus, we see that the sociological and technological advancement in last few decades have not only changed the standard of living of people but have also brought about continuing changes in healthcare. Looking at the fast changes, the demanding patients, the regulatory issues, easy access to media, the doctors have lost their traditional relationship with the patient and are feeling the pinch through lack of trust in medical services. There are frequ...

India’s Healthcare – A Leading Sector for Revenue and Employment Generation

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. As the country experiences economic progress and technological advancements, the Indian healthcare sector is currently the third largest growth segment in India, with the revenues accounting for 5.2 percent of the GDP. With the rapid increase in healthcare institutions across the country, the sector holds huge promise, and has become one of the largest sectors in India regarding revenue generation and employment.   India is one of the largest producing countries for generics. India is also experiencing a boom in medical tourism. India’s pharmaceutical industry is 3 rd  largest in terms of volume and 14 th  largest in terms of value globally.  The Indian healthcare industry comprises of hospitals, pharmaceutics, medical devices and equipment, telemedicine, health insurance, and other healthcare subsectors. Owing to the diversity of the sector and the advantages that the Indian heal...

Top Jobs Available in the Healthcare Industry of India

Healthcare has become one of India’s fastest growing sectors, both in terms of revenue and employment. There has been a great change in the awareness about being healthy now than ever before. Many are turning to morning walks or joining Yoga or exercising to promote and maintain physical fitness, and showing an increased awareness of health insurance etc. which is a  proof of the fact that healthcare has made its impact and is paving the way for massive expansion. The health indicators such as life expectancy (from 60 in 1990 to 70 years); maternal (560 to 174) and child mortality (160 to 47) etc. have shown substantive improvement. But the non-communicable diseases have increased to take a toll of two third of total deaths in India. Healthcare is a diverse domain, comprising of hospitals, health insurance, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, and medical and surgical equipment. Indian healthcare can be categorized into two ma...